Stortford Interiors UK Ltd were recently tasked with providing assistance with a social value initiative for our client VolkerFitzpatrick, as part of an ongoing commitment at the Eastbrook Film Studio development in Dagenham, Essex. The initiative comprised the regeneration of a disused playground at the Valence Primary School, located a short distance from the Eastbrook project and was managed by our Environmental Manager, Sonny Johal. The school management’s vision was to transform the area into a useable garden that would provide a quiet zone for reading and relaxing for the pupils, some of whom have disabilities.

The regeneration of the area included excavation of the existing rough surface, installation of high traffic turf, flower beds and six large timber planters, where the school Gardening Club would plant a variety of flowers and vegetation. Stortford’s Design team assisted with the design and detailing of the planters, all in accordance with the overall requirements of the regeneration plan. Our supply chain partner Metro Fixings was also involved, assisting with the weatherproof fittings and providing fixtures that would withstand the heavy load of the sleeper timbers.

The school pupils & management, the local council, and our client were all delighted with the finished scheme, which was officially handed over to the school Gardening Club on May 23rd. A special thanks to our Design Manager Tom Gray, Joinery BU Manager Sean Allen, plus our supply chain partners Metro Fixings and The Timber Group.