Environmental & CSR

Stringent on Sustainability

  • We recognise our obligations to good environmentally sustainable practices and are committed to our ‘Going Green’ code.
  • Our commitment to the environment is legitimate and genuine – we don’t ‘Green Wash’. We have a green road map that we follow.
  • We relentlessly strive to reduce the impact of our works on the environment and through our series of green innovations, pledge to mitigate the impact of our works.
  • Through the exploration of new technologies, waste mitigation strategies and correct first time ethos, our objectives are to preserve and protect the environment to the best of our ability.
  • We are advocates of lean construction, recycling schemes, responsible procurement and transparent chain of custodies.
  • Our Environmental Policy ensures we are considerate, caring and strive to deliver smarter and cleaner.
  • Stortford Interiors are ISO 14001 certified. We are Carbon Neutral PAS 2060 verified & Carbon Footprint ISO 14064-1 verified.
  • We are Supply Chain Sustainability School Gold Members and FSC® certified
Our Values


We find appropriate solutions and have the ability to
find quick and clever ways to overcome project challenges.
Our Values


Accuracy, compliancy, consistency and exacting standards ensure
a high quality of work and that nothing is missed; there are no surprises, good or bad.
Our Values


We are easy to work with because we care and are collaborative.
We are accommodating of our clients' needs and put these front and centre.
Our Values


We commit to strict processes, stakeholder needs, sustainability,
project success and relationship longevity; because we know we’re only as good as our last job.
Our Values

Continually Improving

We don’t rest on our laurels. We’re constantly looking to improve our business and strive to be the best we can.
Our Values


We’re good for our word. We won’t promise what we can’t deliver. Honesty and integrity matter.
Our Values


We understand our obligations. Be it health and safety, the environment or social responsibility, we care about the impact of our work.

Community Considerations

“Caring is Sharing” – a well used analogy but it’s true.
Stortford Interiors are champions of local community support. We frequently engage with charitable organisations to raise funds for worthy causes and recognise the value of community care through a range of initiatives.

In recent years Stortford Interiors have maintained this commitment through the sponsorship of a variety of charities both doestic and overseas. These include: Prostate Cancer UK / Essex Disabled Sport Foundation / Action Medical Rearch / REACH / Macmillan Cancer Support to name just a few from a considerable donation roster. Our social value work and contributions are considerable. We actively try to make a positive difference and look to support, empower and provide opportuity to local community be it amplifying local spend, school fund-raising and educational visits and employment opportunity.

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